Articles on: Deep Dive into Project Boards

Utilizing Formulas in Number Columns

In Anywhere, certain column types offer the functionality to display calculated values in the footer through predefined formulas. This guide focuses on the application of these formulas in the Number column, although a similar setup is also available in the timer column. Here's how you can leverage this feature to enhance your project management:

Step 1: Understanding the Context
The Number column can be a vital tool in project management, especially when you need to calculate project costs or other numerical data. This column, along with the timer column, allows for the integration of predefined formulas to facilitate quick calculations.

Step 2: Accessing Column Settings
To initiate, hover over the column name you intend to modify. Click on the gear icon that appears adjacent to it to access the column settings and the available options.

Column Settings

Step 3: Customizing Units
Within the settings, you have the option to display specific unit symbols before or after the numerical value. Choose from predefined units such as USD, Pound, INR, or percentage symbols, or input a custom unit to suit your project's requirements.

Step 4: Implementing Predefined Functions
The Number column offers several predefined functions to display calculated values at the footer. These functions include:

Sum: Displays the total sum of all values in the column footer.
Average (Avg): Shows the average of all column values in the footer.
Minimum (Min): Indicates the smallest number present in the column, displayed in the footer.
Maximum (Max): Highlights the largest number in the column, visible in the footer.
Count: Represents the total number of entries in the column, shown in the footer.

Predefined Functions

We trust this guide will assist you in optimizing your project management experience with Anywhere.

Updated on: 04/09/2023

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