Articles on: Deep Dive into Project Boards

How to View All Decisions and Blockers on a Board

Navigating through decisions and blockers on a board is a breeze with Anywhere. Follow these straightforward steps to get a comprehensive view:

Step 1: Initiating the Search
Start by locating the board you're interested in using the "in:" command in the search bar. For instance, to find a board named "Demo", you would type "in:demo".

Step 2: Heading to the Comments Tab
Next, move to the 'Comments' tab to delve deeper into the board's discussions and notes.

Step 3: Filtering the Results
To pinpoint the specific information you're looking for, click on the '**Narrow Your Results**' option. Here, you can select either 'Decisions' or 'Blockers', depending on your preference. Hit 'Apply' to proceed.

Voila! You now have a detailed view of all the decisions or blockers present on the "Demo" board.

We hope you find this guide handy in managing your projects more efficiently.

Updated on: 04/09/2023

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