Articles on: Deep Dive into Project Boards

Plan your projects with Gantt View

Gantt View in Anywhere: An Effective Project Planning Tool

The Gantt View in Anywhere is a powerful tool for planning and managing your projects. It provides a visual representation of your project's timeline, making it easier to understand and track your tasks and events.

In Gantt View:

- Task Bars: Each task is represented by a bar, with its position and length indicating its start date, duration, and end date. This allows you to quickly grasp:
- The various groups and tasks on your board.
- When each task begins and ends.
- The duration of each task.
- Overlaps with other activities and their duration.
- The overall start and end date of the entire project.

_Prerequisite:_ To access Gantt View, you need at least one Date Range and one Task Dependency column in your project board.

Here's how to access Gantt View:

Click on the view switcher and select "Gantt View."

Gantt View Switcher

When you enter Gantt View, a modal will appear, allowing you to select the date range and column dependencies. Once you save your selections, Gantt View will be displayed. You can adjust the date range by expanding or shrinking the date range bar.

To access detailed task information, simply double-click on any task or item to open a pop-up window.

Task Detail Popup

Here's what the bars in Gantt View represent:

- The blue bar represents Task Groups.
- The green bar represents individual tasks. You can adjust the start and end dates by dragging their length or double-clicking them to view and edit task details.
- To create a Milestone, set the Start and End date to the same date in the Date Range column.

_Pro Tip:_ You can also use the [Take Baseline Snapshot]( feature via the settings (gear icon) to compare planned dates with actual task execution dates.

We hope this article has provided you with a clear understanding of the powerful Gantt View in Anywhere. Please feel free to share your feedback with us.

Related Article: Tracking Project Deviation with Gantt Baseline

Updated on: 19/09/2023

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