Articles on: Account settings & customizations

Updating your company logo

Title: Updating Your Company Logo in Anywhere

Your company's identity matters, and that includes your logo. Let's walk you through the easy steps to update your logo in your Anywhere account. It's simpler than you think!

Follow these 5 simple steps:

Start by clicking on Settings under the Administration tab.

Next, navigate to the Appearance tab.

Now, click on Choose File to pick the logo file from your computer.

Click Upload to make it official.

Voila! Your logo has been successfully updated and can now be seen proudly on the top left corner of the navigation menu.

Updated Logo

_Note:_ Only admins have the power to wield this feature.

A few details to keep in mind: Your logo should be a JPG, JPEG, PNG, or GIF file, weighing in at a maximum of 30KB, and sporting a resolution of 139x35 pixels.

Oh, and here's a bonus: Your updated brand logo will also grace your custom login page.

We trust this article has given you the clarity you needed on how to set your company's logo in the Anywhere app.

If you've got more questions or need further assistance, don't hesitate to shoot us a message. We're here to help, and we'll get back to you pronto.

Updated on: 20/09/2023

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