Articles on: Account settings & customizations

Introduction to the Pro features

Unveiling Anywhere Pro Features

In the world of Anywhere, Pro features are your golden ticket to unlocking a treasure trove of advanced configurations and settings. These gems are exclusively available in our Professional and Premium plans, designed to supercharge your productivity and save you valuable time.

Spotting Pro Features:

With our latest update, you may have noticed these sleek Pro icons popping up:

These icons are your guides, indicating that a specific option is a Pro feature, available only to our Professional and Premium plan users.

Curious to know more? A simple click on these icons reveals the magic behind each feature:

And that's not all! You'll also find an option to upgrade your plan to the Professional tier.

Calling All Admins:

If you're the admin of your account, clicking the upgrade option whisks you away to the Administration/Subscription page. There, you can seamlessly upgrade your account to unlock the full potential of Anywhere.

A Special Note for Our LTD (Lifetime Deal) Users:

To our awesome community of Anywhere LTD users who joined us during the AppSumo campaign, we've got something special for you. You have the option to upgrade to Pro features and enjoy the best of both worlds.

What's the catch? Well, there isn't one! If you decide to embrace the Pro features, you'll retain all the goodies from your current AppSumo plan. That includes everything you've stacked up and all the shiny Pro features we roll out in the future.

_Note: Upgrading to Pro features won't change your user limit quota. You'll keep the same user quota as in your current AppSumo plan._

For example, if you stacked and used 3 AppSumo codes during the campaign, you've got access to Custom Domain, Custom CSS, and Custom Email, among other perks. Even as these features become Pro, you'll have them at your disposal without needing to subscribe separately.

And here's the cherry on top: As a limited-time offer, we're thrilled to offer 3 of these Pro features to our LTD users at no extra cost. All we ask is for a brief chat with you to gather feedback and insights. Pick any 3 features of your liking, and we'll activate them for your account.

You can find a list of all current and future Pro features under the Administration/Subscription screen. This page also has answers to some common questions. Take a moment to explore, and if you have more questions, don't hesitate to reach out. We're here to make your Anywhere experience even better.

Updated on: 21/09/2023

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