Articles on: Account settings & customizations

Changing default Languages & changing the language text

Setting the Default Language:

To set your default language in Anywhere, follow these straightforward steps:

Navigate to the Languages tab under the Administration section.

On the Languages screen, you'll find a list of available languages.

Simply select the language you want as the default, then click on the Action button.

From the dropdown menu that appears, choose the Set as the default language option.

The selected language will now become the default language for your Anywhere application. You'll notice that in the Default column, the label for the selected language will be marked as Yes.

Set Default Language

Changing Language Text:

Changing language text is also a breeze. Here's how:

Click on the Action button once more, but this time select the Change texts option. You'll be directed to the Language texts screen.

There are two ways to make these changes:

a. The first method involves adding a Base language, Target language, Source, Target value, and then clicking on the Refresh button. This will update the language text according to the source used for all target values. Please note that to give a target value to Empty ones, you'll need to use the second method.

Change Texts Method 1

b. The second method is to click on the Edit icon next to the text you wish to modify. This will take you to the Edit text screen for the selected text. Here, you can add a Target value for the Base value and save your changes.

Change Texts Method 2

Your updated Target value will be saved.

That's it! We hope this article has made it clear how you can easily set the default language and modify language text in your Anywhere application. If you have any further questions or need assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out.

Updated on: 20/09/2023

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